Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hello there!
I know it's been a while,figured  I might as well drop a random thought/ feeling in here.For the past months well almost a year now, I  lost someone very dear to me  and it has been one of the hardest and most painful feelings.I have days when I absolutely try to smile and I have days when i'ts just painful to smile but in all things I give thanks to GOD who is able to give me the amount of peace and strength for each day.

But back to the topic of LIFE SPEAKS...Well lately I've been going through that dreaded question of "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY LIFE/CAREER",I bet a lot of people feel that way probably 89.9% of the time and the rest of the stats ..Well they're just Geniuses!
Through  the whole craziness of thinking and sleepless nights and looking through almost every Master's degree possible that can be paired with my already acquired Bachelor in Psychology,I finally slept.Waking this morning, I was back to my Cry for help then I decided just to surrender it to God.While I was driving to do my daily routine, I remembered how I had the same issue before undergraduate and how many Nigerian Universities I had tried to get into and as God will have it ,I came to the States to further my education instead .

Here comes my Light Bulb Moment indeed! He always comes through for me and no matter how much I rake my head and brains for ideas, He makes things fall in place.I know it's hard to believe it but this is the part where Life speaks because I have found that trend, that happens where my decisions are concerned...I am the type of person who needs answers and wants to know what's ahead of me but I found out those lost moments or moments when I just surrender, things actualize.It may not be exactly how I planned it because of course I'm back to worrying about another educational level but at least my experience has taught me that I was helped once and I will get that help again.

Case in Point: I will try my possible best to worry less and stop browsing for all the schools in the world starting this Night!

What speaks to you?